Can Malaysian universities push the AI revolution?

Lots of intelligence (AI) have been influenced in our lives, but most universities have not started programs and examinations to examine Ai, maybe the monitor of their work.

Universitite Technology Tashnology (UTM) builds the current study of Ai and the February, the minister of education Kadir, Zemmry Abdor Kadir, Zammry Abdok. For now, most of the 1.5 million students in Malaysia’s higher education system will not be exposed to AI through their courses.

There are some ad hoc AI projects at a low level in Malaysian universities, little research, little scholarship and no leadership thinking to explore the potential social and economic impact. One area that needs to be understood more quickly is the scope and speed of AI adoption and how it can affect the economy by replacing and transforming jobs.

Evidence is needed to measure the economic and social impact so that policies can be made based on how people will respond. We need to understand the options for making a living if jobs are replaced, and the implications of this for social development.

We need to be honest and understand that any scientific or technological research done in Malaysia for the development of AI technology applications can be very limited. Social and behavioral research and skill development in the adoption and use of AI services will be more beneficial.

Malaysian universities produce little research that is important to industry, except perhaps in the areas of palm oil and Islamic finance, because industry does not support universities to do so. The same goes for AI, so there is only a low level of cooperation that does not support economic benefits.

Malaysian universities do not have clear expertise in AI and therefore will not attract investment or technology transfer in this area. They will buy AI tools or use AI brought here by foreign companies but they will not get the exact details of it.

Government policies and funding do not support AI research because funding is very limited and pushing AI through government initiatives is almost ineffective. Educators themselves must know AI to incorporate it into the curriculum. They are not. Many opportunities to use AI for process development and content creation as well as for research have not yet begun in many universities.

Laws reduce the creation of new programs, scientists do not have enough understanding and training in AI and teachers are skeptical that AI should be their main job against those who buy companies. Unpaid education is also paid and many resist training because it is hard work for little pay.

Those who train in AI will get better jobs in the industry instead of continuing to earn lower salaries in education. By removing these barriers in the system, educational institutions, companies and businesses will accept AI if it makes business and economic sense.

The government will support research to understand the obstacles and how to remove them and, importantly, to analyze what will happen to the economy at large if AI replaces jobs, so that good laws have can ensure that people benefit from AI while still making money. . AI is with us and will continue to impact business and the economy rapidly, regardless of what governments do. Therefore government interference is unnecessary and insufficient.

The government will support evidence-based research to develop policies to overcome the impact of AI so that it benefits people, their families and our society and does not harm us.

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